Friday, December 10, 2010

Oh Happy Day

I am finally done with all my papers and my finals! Fall quarter is officially over and I can now be fully excited about going to Morocco! I can't wait.

So let me explain a little bit about what I'm doing.

I'm writing this blog for the Study Abroad office at the University of Cincinnati because they so generously gave me a grant to help pay for my study abroad in Morocco. Here is a link to their page: UC International Programs.  I will be writing about everything I do while I am in Morocco, as well as about getting ready to leave and getting used to being back in the United States when I return. I will be taking pictures of everything as well and I will try to add as much historical/factual information about every site as possible. The purpose of this blog is to help other students who are considering a study abroad, to educate anyone who wants to know about Morocco from a student's perspective, and to keep my friends and family updated on my whereabouts and activities.

I am studying abroad through an organization called International Studies Abroad (ISA). Here is a link to their site: ISA. I am going to Meknes, Morocco to study at the Moulay Ismail University. I will be taking a variety of classes about the Middle East and I will be studying Arabic. There are also a number of weekend excursions that involve traveling all around Morocco.

At the bottom of the blog, is a link to my Picasa Web Album, where you can see all the pictures I take, not just the ones I upload to the blog. You can also find me on Facebook by clicking the Facebook link on the right.

Family: You can follow the blog by clicking the follow button on the right or if you would like an email notification every time I add a new post, just let me know and I will add your email to the list. Mom, you are already on the list :)

That's all for now! Check back in a week or two, I plan on doing a post about buying my plane tickets, packing, and getting ready to go.

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