Tuesday, April 26, 2011

National Leprechaun Museum

After the Irish Writer's Museum, Tiffany and I made our way over to the National Leprechaun Museum. This was a very entertaining, little museum. The atmosphere is definitely geared towards children, but I think its something that everyone can enjoy. It reminded me a little bit of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. You begin in this little anteroom filled with Leprechaun memorabilia and "facts." I learned that leprechauns are shoe makers to the fairies. Fairies are not like Disney fairies, they are tall, beautiful people-like creatures who love to dance. They dance so much that they always need new shoes and so the leprechauns have a lot of business and in turn a lot of gold.

After a brief introduction to the history of leprechauns by our guide, the first order of business was to shrink us to the size of leprechauns.

Then we got to experience the difficulties of being so small.

After that, we all sat around a pot of gold and our guide told us leprechaun tales.

We then passed through a forest and learned the story of Tom Fitzpatrick and how he almost got a leprechaun's gold.

 We emerged from the forest and found ourselves returned to normal size and in the museum gift shop. It was a fantastic little adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow this is so cool! I love Ireland, hope you are having fun!
